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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Redianze - What is this?

RM 160.00 for Peninsular Malaysia.

Redianze is an advanced cellular nutrients formulation that supplements the body with HMCP, astaREAL® P2AF, Vitamin C and Prunus persica extract for cell rejuvenation, beautification and not to forget, protection from oxidative damage that causes degeneration of the cells which leads to premature aging.
Collagen is derived from the Greek word kolla, meaning glue.

It’s the strong fiber that weaves throughout the body for strength and support to literally hold the body together like glue would. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and accounts for approximately 75-85% of skin, muscle and connective tissue. It gives skin its elasticity and firmness which helps skin to be soft and supple, makes hair, teeth and nails strong and is found in muscles, joints, ligaments and cartilage. It also provides integrity, firmness and elasticity to the organ structures.

After the age of 25, we lose our collagen at the rate of 1.5% a year. That means that by the age of 35, the body has lost 15% of its collagen stores. Furthermore, the production of collagen by our body slows dramatically around the age 45. Why does collagen production decrease? Hormonal changes, drugs, alcohol, smoking, processed food, white sugar, hydrogenated oils, overwork, radiation, fluoridated water, nutritional deficits, dehydration, stress, trauma – the usual culprits. On the other hand, collagen loss also affects the muscular-skeletal system and conditions such as arthritis, osteoarthritis and loss of muscle tone can occur. In the organs, decreased collagen causes instability and weakness. Organs like the heart, liver and prostate get flimsier and weaker. Diseases result. For this type of degenerative problem, drugs rarely work. By ingesting collagen, the body’s stores can be replenished. It does not only improve the quality of life but also helps us to look and feel young.

AstaREAL®P2AF is also packed with qualities that other anti oxidants do not possess. Our brain is protected by the ‘blood brain barrier’ where most of the antioxidant cannot pass through. Free radicals are generated easily in the brain because it consumes much energy. Furthermore the brain is an easy target for free radicals because it is made vastly from lipids. Left to its own, the brains aging will progress rapidly and ultimately may even result in the development of dementia. AstaREAL®P2AF has the ability to pass though the strict barrier without difficulty thus making it a vital component to protect our brain from the free radicals attack. Similar to the blood brain barrier, human eye is protected by the blood-retinal barrier, in which case astaREAL®P2AF has no problem to pass through and bring antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection to the eyes.